Friday, October 31, 2008


We had a lot of fun with Halloween this year!!! Caden didn't have school on Halloween Day, so we pretty much had a mellow day. The costumes this year were fun. Caden decided to be Batman, and Avery was Minnie Mouse. Last year I bought a little pumpkin bundle type thing that Luke was able to wear. He just rode around in the stroller though, so it didn't get shown off much.

The night was beautiful!!! The weather was perfect and we really didn't need jackets until we were about done. We went with my sisters family and her kids and it was fun to see my kids really enjoy it this year. We took our sit-n-stand stroller so Avery was able to easily get in an out, but didn't have to walk much in between houses. It was a life saver!!! She held on so tight to her pumpkin, refusing to let us dump it into the grocery bag we brought so it wouldn't get too heavy. Caden loved running from house to house with his cousins, always exclaiming he was first. He has such a competitive streak in him and it comes out at really interesting times.


reba said...

How cute are the kids!
And the baby even out in an adorable pumpkin costume:)
Hope the nights are going better with Lucas. Keep us updated!a

Anonymous said...

ahh they are soooooo cute! looks like you guys had a lot of fun!!

Philip and Melissa said...

The cute little blondie still has a piece of my heart :-) How are you feeling by the way? You up and running yet?